structural engineers TA Greig,Greig Ling, Elliot Woods, Jonathan Hendricks/Halcrow Yolles, Eckersley O’Callahan,Tim McFarlane, Michael Baigent Orla Kelly, David Dexter, Alan Baxter, Bruce Huxtabl/Trigram, Form, Buro Happold
quantity surveyors PT Projects, Andrew Appleton, Stockdales, Trogal Griffiths, Boydens, Brendan Hennessy
m&e consultants Max Fordham, Fulcrum, Atelier Ten, Mendick Waring, Edward Pearce, McDonnell Langley, Price & Myers
ecourbanism Studio Engelback
BREEAM/Ecohomes Eight Associates, Price & Myers
landscape Trees Associates, Jane Finlay
planning consultants/ heritage Grover Lewis, Wardell Armstrong, Bell Cornwell (Simon Avery), Turley, Washburn Greenwood Development, RPS, CGMS, Gerald Eve, Graham Greene, Mark Strawbridge (MOLA).
architectural historians The Architectural History Practice (Neil Burton), Harvey Van Sickle
lighting Light Bureau, Wayne Hinson, Detail Lighting (Piero de Marchis)
AV Livewire Integration
acoustics Sandy Brown, EEC
party wall Gordon’s Chartered Surveyors, Hopps Partnership , Anstey Horne, Martin Lewey
models A Models
photographers Helene Binet, Murray Fredericks, Laure Thorel, Sue Barr, Anna Positano
architects Nobbs Radford, Sydney; Ioanna Theocharopoulou and Christian Hubert, New York; Cole Prevost, Washington DC; Yiannis Colakides, Cyprus; Vincent Van Deusen Architects, Antwerp; Vincent Appel/ofpossiblearchitectures, New York; Odile Decq, Paris.
gallerists Anthony Reynolds
curators Jan Howard (RISD), Igor Marjanovic, Shan Shan Huang (JUT), Yukuei Peng (JUT), Riet Eekhout, Jill Silverman van Coenegrachts (Draw)
web Carolina Vallejo, James Evers-Swindell